
A customizable multi-select component for React, supporting features like searchable options, clearable selections, and validation integration with forms.
  addEmpty?: boolean
  name?: string
  label?: string
  options?: { value: string; label: string; disabled?: boolean }[]
  isDisabled?: boolean
  isRequired?: boolean
  isSearchable?: boolean
  isClearable?: boolean
  defaultValue?: string[]
  handleSelection?: (values: string[]) => void
  error?: string
  placeholder?: string
> : JSX.Element
  • addEmpty: If true, includes an empty option at the top of the options list. Defaults to false.
  • name: The name attribute of the hidden input element, used to link the component to form values.
  • label: The label displayed for the multi-select input.
  • options: An array of objects representing the available options. Each object should have value and label properties, with an optional disabled flag.
  • isDisabled: Disables the multi-select input when true. Defaults to false.
  • isRequired: Marks the field as required, displaying an asterisk next to the label. Defaults to true.
  • isSearchable: Enables a search input to filter options. Defaults to false.
  • isClearable: Allows clearing all selected values when true. Defaults to true.
  • defaultValue: An array of strings representing the default selected values.
  • handleSelection: A callback triggered when the selected options change. Receives the updated list of selected values as a parameter.
  • error: A string containing an error message to display below the input.
  • placeholder: Placeholder text displayed when no value is selected.


import { MultiSelect } from "@explita/daily-toolset/form";

function App() {
  const [selectedValues, setSelectedValues] = useState<string[]>([]);

  const handleSelection = (values: string[]) => {

  return (
        label="Select Fruits"
          { value: "apple", label: "Apple" },
          { value: "banana", label: "Banana" },
          { value: "cherry", label: "Cherry" },
        placeholder="Choose your favorite fruits"
        error={selectedValues.length === 0 ? "At least one fruit must be selected." : ""}

Use Cases

  • Creating multi-select inputs with custom validation and state management.
  • Adding searchable dropdowns for better usability with large datasets.
  • Enabling dynamic selection and deselection of options in forms.
  • Handling scenarios requiring multiple options to be selected, such as tagging systems.