
A utility function to group an array of objects based on a specified key.
> groupBy<T extends Record<string, any>, K extends keyof T>(array: T[], key: K): Record<T[K], T[]>
  • array: An array of objects to be grouped.
  • key: The key in the objects to group by.
  • Returns: An object where each key corresponds to a unique value of the specified property in the objects, and the value is an array of objects with that property.


import { groupBy } from "@explita/daily-toolset";

const data = [
  { category: "fruit", name: "apple" },
  { category: "fruit", name: "banana" },
  { category: "vegetable", name: "carrot" },
  { category: "vegetable", name: "lettuce" },

// Group data by the "category" property
const groupedData = groupBy(data, "category");
// Output:
// {
//   fruit: [
//     { category: "fruit", name: "apple" },
//     { category: "fruit", name: "banana" },
//   ],
//   vegetable: [
//     { category: "vegetable", name: "carrot" },
//     { category: "vegetable", name: "lettuce" },
//   ],
// }

const groupedByName = groupBy(data, "name");
// Output:
// {
//   apple: [{ category: "fruit", name: "apple" }],
//   banana: [{ category: "fruit", name: "banana" }],
//   carrot: [{ category: "vegetable", name: "carrot" }],
//   lettuce: [{ category: "vegetable", name: "lettuce" }],
// }

Use Cases

  • Organizing data for display, such as grouping items in a dropdown or table by category.
  • Aggregating data based on specific properties for analysis or reporting.
  • Creating nested structures for hierarchical data processing.